Confessions of a Thanksgiving Hostess

I like to say I’m organized. In September, I notified the family members (very small group this year) to say my turn to hostess and ask what they would like to bring. Typically, the hostess provides the turkey and drinks.

So my sisters and kids gave me their suggestions. I wrote everything down on THE ENTERTAINMENT PAD organizer, then stapled it to my November calendar. I love how this pad I keeps me on track. So, I am ready.

Or so I thought.

I woke to a Facebook notification from my sister that the place I ordered my smoked turkey from burned down. (Extremely sad for the family. Their whole season is gone.) I had a moment of panic. And why you ask? Here’s my confession: I’ve never cooked a turkey, EXCEPT my husband has cooked turducken-a roll of chicken, wrapped in duck, wrapped in turkey, and stuffed with rice. (It is absolutely delicious.)

After a few years of turducken, I decided to order a smoked turkey from a vendor. I love the peppery smoked taste. And super bonus-no cooking. I can concentrate on other things, like sides, dessert, drinks, and tables. The turkey is shipped to my house, and on Thanksgiving morning, we carve it.

Then I took a break from ordering smoked turkey. My #1son smoked a turkey for me. It was freakin awesome.

This year, I went back to order a smoked turkey. When I saw on Facebook the post about the vendor and the fire, I immediately googled new vendors and found one. I’m still not confident the order was placed as I only got a receipt of the order, not a firm confirmation.

I think we may be eating ham.

After turkey time, prop your feet on the couch or coffee table and take a moment for yourself to digest and rest. Maybe read! Like these fun holiday books. Find yours today at: Amazon


13 Comments Add yours

  1. Hey, Vicki. I don’t mind smoked turkey in sandwiches, but not for the main Thanksgiving meal. We have a long history in my family. First my father baked the turkey, so very good. Then when Bob & I married, he baked our first turkey and has almost every year since our almost 50 years. Both daughters swear their father’s turkey is the best. If the weather doesn’t cooperate and we can’t get together outside as we hope. He’ll still make the turkey and we do a drive by to leave off their servings. But you know, however it works out, we still have so much to be grateful for. I hope you’re happy with with smoked turkey. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Vicki Batman says:

    Hi, Marsha! Tell Bob that he rocks and I, too, am hoping for good weather. I’ll be happier if I hear from the company about my order. Hugs!


  3. Sharon Wray says:

    Vicki, I promise you that roasting a turkey is the easiest thing in the world–just in case you have to do that. It’s no different from a chicken except it’s bigger and cooks longer. I have roasted over 60 turkeys (due to having many years with multiple dinners a week apart) and am happy to walk you through. But hopefully your vendor will find you the best smoked turkey and it will be your best Thanksgiving ever! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Vicki Batman says:

      Thank you for the confidence vote, Sharon. I do have good news!!! The new vendor has a turkey for me. Whew and sigh of relief.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Pat Amsden says:

    In the end it’s not the turkey that counts, it’s the company. Either or my son will throw a bird in the oven and it will turn out. But I have at least one friend who’s never actually used her oven. As far as I know they’ve never gone without. So I’m sure you’ll find a solution if the smoked turkey isn’t a go. Maybe just send an email checking and confirming you’re on the same page. It’s so much nicer when you can just pick up the phone and call someone.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Vicki Batman says:

      I did call this morning, Pat, because waiting gave me anxiety. I want that checked off my list. I spoke with the nicest lady too.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Kathryn Jane says:

    I hope your delivery arrives as planned, but if not, like Sharon said, cooking turkey is really easy. I know this because I’m not much of a cook, but I can do turkey like a boss. On that note though, I learned some years ago that small turkeys (there are only two of us to feed) are mostly bone and not a lot of meat, so instead I cook a plump chicken 😀 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Vicki Batman says:

      Oh wow, good to know, Kathryn, about the chicken.


  6. petespringerauthor says:

    My wife and I decided to forego the whole turkey extravaganza a long time ago. We typically eat out on Thanksgiving. That will be a lot harder this year. Oh well, if it’s ham sandwiches, we’ll still make do. Good luck with the smoked turkey!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Vicki Batman says:

    Handsome and I have done spaghetti pie! Lol. It was fun too. Thx for stopping.


  8. Glad your turkey vendor came through, Vicki. Now that there are just the three of us (Mom, DH and moi) we either do a chicken, like Kathryn, or order out and pick it up. It’s the company that counts 🙂


  9. Vicki Batman says:

    Hi Jacquie! I agree!! And maybe bring out the nice china just for a tad of specialness. And pie. And cake. And movies!


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