A Long Road

Shocked, I sat on the parkway, gathering myself. A nice lady stopped to stay with me as I waited for Handsome to pick me up and take me to the emergency room. In the hospital, I explained (to two hunky young docs) what happened and lifted my arm which swung at a spot four inches from the wrist. The doctors called for X-rays, set my arm, and sent me home with painkillers and an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon.

Handsome helped with everything—dog, food, hooking bra.

The orthopedic doc stuck a plate in my arm, but not a cast. She okayed me cruising Italy with my sisters (yeah!!!). I visited with the physical therapist before I departed and spent lots of time on the buses doing the exercises. The sissies (thank God) helped with everything–luggage, food, bra.

Upon my return, I began physical therapy twice a week. Most people do about six weeks of therapy; I completed eight months. Monthly measurements showed improvement. I could eventually bend my fingers and curl them into a fist. Weights strengthened the muscles.

So why did my arm break?

A year before, a regular blood workup showed an elevated calcium level. So much so, the doctor recommended a visit to an endocrinologist where I was diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism. The four pea-sized parathyroids are located behind the thyroid. One went wonky and needed removing. The bad news? Calcium drained from my bones, particularly the arms. Fortunately, the bones recover from the depletion in one to three years.

Is this something women need to share?

I think so. I had never heard of hyperparathyroidism. My bone scan had me on the line at osteoporosis. I didn’t understand why—except for hereditary or just being an older woman—because of the amount of vitamins I consumed and the strength training. I believed I was doing everything right to take care of myself.

I believe I am returning to myself. A check-up this week with the ortho doc showed the bone is healing. No more physical therapy. A check-up in a year. I will visit the endocrinologist next month. I won’t know positively about my bones until the x-ray and bone density scan next year.

I am grateful the primary doctor did an extended blood workup and found my problem. Scheduling surgery took a long time and unfortunately, my bones continued to lose density. Friends and family need to share items about health. We can file the info away and when we visit a doctor, say, “Hey. Do we need to check for this?”

Bug Stuff ~ An accountant unites with his co-worker to exterminate a pesky adversary.

Just Desserts ~ A political dinner gone disastrous brings together a reluctant attendee and her handsome seat-mate.

With This Ring ~ When a wife forgets the all-important little black dress, the evening turns into something utterly unforgettable.

Good Girls Finish First ~ When men friends are challenged to fix breakfast if they lose a race, one woman leads the pack and discovers finishing first can lead to romance.

Ouch ~ Who knew a yoga class would be so dangerous…and romantic?

Man Theory ~ When a geeky co-worker espouses his theory on love, a friend risks her heart.

Tommy and the Teacher ~ A young boy steals from the school’s book fair causing interesting possibilities to arise.

Absolutely Positively Lost ~ Helping a map-challenged young man find his way is truly serendipitous.

The Little Birdie Who ~ A new town, a new friend, a new beginning. Who would have thought a little bird could bring two people together?

Check Her Out ~ It’s a sticky situation, especially between a store manager and Auntie Caren when her nephew must pay for the gum he stole.This Is Not Working ~ One of those days at a new job when nothing is going right, and then the boss steps in.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Find Just Desserts…and Other Stories at:

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Just-Desserts-Other-Short-Stories-ebook/dp/B07CT8XC5F/

Print: https://www.amazon.com/Just-Desserts-Other-Stories-writer/dp/1718719302/ref=sr_1_28?keywords=just+desserts&qid=1554829514&s=books&sr=1-28/

Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/just-desserts-and-other-short-stories-vicki-batman/1128592107?ean=2940155242031/

Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/823338/

6 Comments Add yours

  1. Hey, Vicki, Glad to hear you’ve made such progress. Sorry it’s taking soooo long. Kudos to the doctors for their magic. Great blurbs for your short stories. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Vicki Batman says:

    thx Marsha. I love writing short. Vb

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Reggi Allder says:

    Vicki, thanks for sharing, and good to hear you can stop physical therapy! The Just Desserts stories look yummy! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Vicki Batman says:

    thx Reggi! They are sweet fun stories.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Hi Vicki,

    Good to hear you’re on the mend. Thanks for sharing the health information.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Vicki Batman says:

      You are most welcome! I’m so grateful the dr. found the hyperparathyroidism. Just eh about the broken arm because of it.

      Liked by 1 person

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