A Long Road

Shocked, I sat on the parkway, gathering myself. A nice lady stopped to stay with me as I waited for Handsome to pick me up and take me to the emergency room. In the hospital, I explained (to two hunky young docs) what happened and lifted my arm which swung at a spot four inches…

Happy B-Day, Finn!

  Last year was a rough one for Handsome and me. We lost ouradora-poo, Jones, in January and our little fella, Champ, in March. I cried ariver of tears.   I came home from book club one evening and said toHandsome, “It’s too quiet here. I’m lonely.” I rubbed a circle on my chest.“Empty. I…

It’s the Holiday Season

Happy Holidays! Moonstruck is on tv. Finn is chewing his stick. I’m about to go buy a few things for a get-together tonight. Like most of you, I’m immersed in so much. But I think it is important to carve out time for me. That’s where reading comes in. Since I was a little girl,…

My Name Is

Hi, Friends! *am waving* I’m still having hand issues – yuck – so I’m typing badly. I want to get back to normal me, the one who could type super-fast. I think the hand/wrist recovery is moving slowly—too slowly for me. Curling my fingers in a tight fist would be a milestone. The physical therapist…

Storytelling-It’s Brain Chemistry

I love a good story, but I really love a great one! The reason behind loving a great story is chemistry. The best stories are written to be engaging, to make us care. The way they do that is by using our brain chemistry. Neural activity in our brain starts by stringing together neurons like…