Would You Like to be in a Parade?

Have you ever been in one or do you watch them on TV? Canada Day and 4th of July will soon be here and there is always a parade. I sometimes attend them in person and I also watch them on TV. Hubby and I always watch the Tournament of Roses, the Rose Parade. A…

Are You a Rock Hound?

I am. As a kid, I spent much of my time out of doors searching for crystal and garnets and even hoping for a nugget of gold. Of course, I was lucky to live in an area where finding them was possible. I realized that the Forty Niners was more than a sports team. They…

Seeing Clearly

Seeing Clearly A year ago, I visited my eye doctor. I told him I sat in the balcony section at church and couldn’t see the faces of the choir clearly. He did some “which is better?” stuff with his machine. None of the “this one or this one?” seemed to solve the problem. So he…

Takes a Village. Community. Family. Friends.

I’ve been fortunate to have made friends in many groups. I have family who lives close by. Church. Kids programs and school. These people, family, and friends have helped and guided me through marriage, children, illness, and death. For that, I am very grateful. One of my groups formed through Jazzercise. Many of us participated…

A Long Road

Shocked, I sat on the parkway, gathering myself. A nice lady stopped to stay with me as I waited for Handsome to pick me up and take me to the emergency room. In the hospital, I explained (to two hunky young docs) what happened and lifted my arm which swung at a spot four inches…

Spring is a New Beginning.

After a cold winter, the skeleton branches of the oaks near us are gnarled and mysterious in appearance. Spring is a time when everything starts to change and grow. I enjoy watching the trees as they begin to leaf and the flowers bud. Seeing the earth come alive, I think of my goals. One plan…

Do You Celebrate Valentine’s Day?

Why do we mark Valentine’s Day?  Did the holiday start with Saint Valentine? According to research, several men may have been linked to the name of Valentine. They might have been martyred saints, so not connected to a day of romance and love. However, in the Middle Ages in the UK and France, the 14th…

Happy Holidays!

Hi all, Happy Holidays! For many of us, it’s a time of cold, wet and snowy weather. It is also a time to visit family and friends. When I can, I like to take a break from the many tasks that must be done to get ready. I have a hot cup of decaf coffee,…

Would you like a low-fat chocolate cookie recipe for Thanksgiving?

U.S. Thanksgiving is coming soon. We are a lucky family because we celebrate Canadian and U.S. Thanksgiving. We have two chances to take stock and think about our lives and the small and large parts of our lives we sometimes take for granted. At the holiday dinner table, we have a tradition of each person…